
Bon Jovi, Armenian-Iranian pop star Andy Madadian and friends join together for this version of "Stand By Me,"  - June 2009

Humanitarian Intervention Initiative (H-II)

As the driving force behind the massive protests that followed the disputed reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the summer of 2009, Iranian youths have demonstrated that they are committed to democracy, as well as social and political reform.

Over 70 percent of Iranians are under the age of 35, and with increasing political corruption and rising unemployment and inflation (not to mention the constant annoyances of censorship, absurd "morality" laws and archaic dress codes), these young Iranians are growing progressively more disenchanted with the current regime.

The pro-democracy Green Movement that emerged in 2009 had been brewing for at least a decade. The largest mass protests before that summer occurred a decade earlier, in the summer of 1999. Again, youth were at the forefront.

Thus, the series of demonstrations in 2009 that drew over a million protesters into the streets of Tehran and other major Iranian cities represented a kind of sequel to the 1999 student demonstrations that drew thousands.

-- Hope for Iran's Youth: IPS, 2 April 2012.

Despite all the efforts that were put forth to engender support of the Iranian youth movement for democracy, the Iranian government crushed the peaceful protests, through the use of brutal force, imprisoned and killed those responsible for the movement.  Despite widespread appeals for support, to leaders in every UN member country, the international community failed to (1) protect the youth, and (2) support the rule of international humanitarian and human rights law. 

Today, the leadership in Iran, responsible for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in 2009, are providing the military and strategic guidance for the leadership in Syria.  Despite the perpetration of genocide and torture of civilians, the victims of these war crimes and crimes against humanity have been abandoned by the international community for over one year.  See:
Syria: International Humanitarian & Security Discussions: Humanitarian Intervention Initiative.

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