Intervention Initiative (H-II)
Exposure, Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation
International Human
Rights Law: Cases and Materials
Reference: Legal Research on International Law Issues Using the Internet,
University of Chicago Law School, D'Angelo Law Library
Human Rights Resources
- Background Sources on Human Rights (including Bibliographies)
- Human Rights Quarterly (full text articles beginning
with v.17 (1995), keyword searchable via Project MUSE)
- Model
Questionnaire for Communications/Complaints (includes information on
human rights complaint procedures/mandates, examining body or experts, and
contact addresses for the various UN human rights bodies)
- Human
Rights Syllabi for High Education (Rita Maran, for the AIUSA Human Rights
Educators Network; posted by the Institute of International Studies at the
University of California at Berkeley)
- Project DIANA (major
human rights web site including full texts of human rights case briefs, legal
memoranda, complaints, orders and decisions, etc. on a variety of subjects,
and especially on Haitian refugees)
- Derechos = Human Rights
(organization with resources in Spanish and English; hosts human rights mailing
Rights Law and Documents" and a Directory of Human Rights Links)
and links to full texts of "
- International
Law and Human Rights (Chris Ingelse, University of Maastricht; includes
European Court of Human Rights)
- Human Rights
on the Internet: Sites That Encourage Activism (Elisa Mason for
the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), September 1999)
- University of Minnesota
Human Rights Web (including war crimes tribunals links, bibliographies,
etc.; has Meta Search Engine for Searching Multiple Human Rights Sites
- can search all 23 sites at once)
- Decisions
and Views (United Nations Human Rights Committee/CCPR; Communications)
- UN Human Rights Committee Decisions (via the Australian
Human Rights Information Centre (AHRIC)
beginning with Session 43 (1991))
- Biblioteca
Virtual de Direitos Humanos (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil;
human rights documents in Portuguese)
- Texts by Treaty Bodies and International Organizations
(Japanese Federation of Bar Association (JFBA) Library, International Human
Rights; includes General Comments and summaries of Views to international
Communications of the UN Human Rights Committee; see also the main page on
Japan and Human Rights at
- INTERIGHTS (International
Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights; includes searchable International
Law Reports and Commonwealth
Human Rights Case Law databases)
- Globalization
and Human Rights (PBS television special focusing on the ongoing debate
over whether or not human rights concerns should be linked to economic policies;
includes links to transcript, interviews, and resources)
- Health and Human Rights
(Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard School
of Public Health)
- Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Washington
College of Law, American University; includes full texts and digests of Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights documents, case law, and reports from 1960 to
date in the Inter-American Human Rights Database; see Repertorio de Jurisprudencia del Sistema InterAmericano
de Derechos Humanos - to be published in English in Spring 2000 under
the title Inter-American Human Rights Digest; see also Human
Rights Brief, a newsletter with a bi-weekly related e-mail list/announcements
- Human Rights Brief ("A Legal Resource for the International
Human Rights Community"; full text of this newsletter available online beginning
with v.1, #1, Spring 1994)
- International Human Rights Law Institute (DePaul University
College of Law, Chicago, Illinois)
- Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Washington
College of Law, American University)
- Netherlands Institute
of Human Rights (SIM; Studie- en Informatiecentrum Mensenrechten, Utrecht
University; page was at; includes
links to the Netherlands
Quarterly of Human Rights, SIM Specials, and the Yearbook
Human Rights in Developing Countries)
- School of Human
Rights Research ("an inter-university alliance, a joint effort of the
Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Humanities of Utrecht University, and the
Faculties of Law of Maastricht University, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
and Tilburg University"; pageincludes links to their Newsletter and information about their publication
- MenschenRechtsZentrum der Universitat Potsdam (Human
Rights Centre of the University of Potsdam, Germany)
- Centre for
Human Rights Law (Faculty of Law, University of Nottingham; see also
newsletter and human rights links)
- Raoul Wallenberg Institute
of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Lund University, Sweden)
- Human Rights Research
and Education Centre (University of Ottawa, Canada)
- Inter-American
Center for Human Rights (IACHR)
- Minerva Center for Human
Rights (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Inter-American Institute of
Human Rights (Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (IIDH))
- Human Rights
Program (The University of Chicago, Center for International Studies)
- Center for Economic and Social
Rights (CESR, Brookly, New York)
- Center for
the Study of Human Rights (CSHR; Columbia University; see also their Law
School's Human
Rights Institute)
- Human
Rights Centers (links to web pages for Harvard, Columbia, Emory, Notre
Dame, Yale, Cincinnati, Witwatersrand, Oxford, New South Wales, Nottingham,
Abo Akademi, etc.; was at
- Human Rights Library
(University of Minnesota)
- AAAS Directory of Human
Rights Resources on the Internet (American Association for the Advancement
of Science)
- Human & Constitutional Rights
Resource Page (Human Rights Institute, Columbia University Law School;
includes link to Bill
of Rights: Comparative Law Materials)
- Updated
Links (page updating the publication, International Human Rights Norms
in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (Nijhoff, 1996))
- Human Rights Links (Derechos Human Rights (organization);
includes Directory
of Human Rights Links)
- Asian Human Rights Commission
- B'Tselem: The Israeli Information
Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Terrorities
- Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring
Group (PHRMG: State of Human Rights in Palestine)
- International Human Rights
Law Group (IHRLG; includes link to "Initiative on US Racism)
(web page of Michael Ratner, International Human Rights Lawyer, with the
Center for Constitutional Rights; also Skelly Wright Fellow, Yale Law School)
- Rule of Law
Initiative (United States Institute for Peace (USIP), Special Report
on Rwanda:
Accountability for War Crimes and Genocide (1995), Special Initiative
on Religion,
Ethics and Human Rights (REHR) and issues of the PeaceWatch
- Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (LCHR)
- Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights
- Heartland Alliance for Human Needs
and Human Rights (Chicago-based; includes link to Mexico-U.S. Advocates
- Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute
(center for human rights and peace law; MCLI works closely with the Center
for the Covenant at San Francisco State University (SFSU) and with the India
Centre for Human Rights and the Law in Bombay, India)
- Annual Report on Human Rights
(joint publication of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the
Department for International Development; "Human Rights in Foreign Policy"
(HRPF) page of the FCO's Human Rights Policy Department (HRPD))
- ACLU International Civil
Liberties Report (American Civil Liberties Union summaries of international
human rights cases and other developments; May 1998 and May 1999 reports
available in full text as WordPerfect documents)
- U.S. Delegation to the United Nations
Commission on Human Rights (; see also U.S. Mission to the United Nations (USUN))
- Congressional
Human Rights Caucus (U.S.)
- Country Reports on Human
Rights Practices (U.S. Department of State 2000 report; see also
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1998 (U.S. Department
of State; full texts of the country reports from 1993-date
also available)
- Congressional
Human Rights Caucus
- European
Union Annual Report on Human Rights 2000 (second annual report; see
also 1999
annual report)
- Human Rights Watch World Report
(annual country reports)
- Amnesty International (AI International
- Amnesty International USA (AIUSA)
- Amnesty International UK (AIUK)
- Amnesty International Report
(annual report on worldwide human rights violations)
- Freedom in the World: The Annual Survey
of Political Rights and Civil Liberties (Freedom House annual survey
covering 191 countries and 59 related territories; published by Transaction Publishers)
- Annual Survey
of Trade Union Rights (ICFTU; see also International Labor
Rights Fund (ILRF))
- For the Record 1999: The UN
Human Rights System (6-volume publication due out in print and CD-ROM
format some time between February and April 2000; also available in French
as Le
système des droits humains à l'ONU : Bilan)
- For the Record 1998: The UN
Human Rights System (6-volume publication; "country-by-country summary
of the work of UN human rights mechanisms during 1998; the report covers
the work of the Commission on Human Rights, the treaty-monitoring bodies,
the Subcommission, ECOSOC, the General Assembly and the Security Council;
each summary is hyperlinked to the relevant UN documentation"; also available
in French as Le système
des droits humains à l'ONU : Bilan))
- For the Record 1997: The UN
Human Rights System (country reports published by Human Rights InternetLe système
des droits humains à l'ONU : Bilan)) (HRI, Canada)
with the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT);
6 volumes with links to UN documents; also available in French as
- A Human Rights Message
(Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1998; book published to commemorate
the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
- International Commission of Jurists
- International Commission of Jurists
(ICJ - Western Australia Branch)
- Fédération Internationale
des Ligues des Droits de l'Homme (FIDH; International Federation of
Human Rights Leagues (IFHRL); includes full texts of Mission Reports/Rapports (mostly
in French) and The Letter or
La Lettre)
- International Helsinki Federation for Human
Rights (IHF; human rights in Europe; includes links to the full texts
of the Report on Religious
Discrimination and Related Violations, 1999, the Helsinki Monitor:
Quarterly on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Hate Speech in the
Balkans, etc.)
- Helsinki Foundation for Human
Rights (Warsaw, Poland)
- EchrNet: The Human Rights Directory (European
Convention on Human Rights and UK lawyers)
- Human Rights Without Frontiers
(""Droits de l'Homme sans Frontiè"; HRWF; includes links to resources
and documents on Freedom of Conscience and Religion Around the World,
consciencious objection, minorities in Europe, etc.)
- Freedom House
(publishers of Religious Freedom in the World: A Global Report on Freedom
and Persecution (2000))
- Religious Liberty: The
Legal Framework in Selected OSCE Countries (PDF file; see also Appendices; May 2000
report of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) or
Helsinki Commission; covers Austria, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands,
Poland, Russia, Turkey, the Ukraine, the UK, U.S., and Uzbekistan)
- Annual
Report on International Religious Freedom (1998 to date; U.S. Department
of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor)
- Religious Freedom
World Report (International Coalition for Religious Freedom)
- Human Rights Education Associates (HREA)
- Human Rights U.S.A.
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
1948-1998 (UDHR50; National Coordinating Committee for the 50th Anniversary
of the UDHR; Human Rights Office, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute)
- UDHR (in over 250 languages;
from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR))
- Hans-Joachim
Heintze, Getting
Human Rights Enforced!: Calls to Action on the 50th Anniversary of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights = Menschenrechte
durchsetzen!: Forderungen zum 50. Jahrestag der UN-Menschenrechtserklärung
(Bonn: Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden, 1998)(Policy Paper; No. 10). 11p.
- Innovation and Inspiration:
Fifty Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (School of
Human Rights Research, the Netherlands; includes link to conference programme
and report)
- La mission interministérielle
pour la célébration du 50ème anniversaire de la déclaration
universelle des droits de l'homme (France, interministerial mission to
celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Cinquantenaire de
la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme (Centre Régional
de Documentation Pédagogique de Bourgogne)
- Regards sur les droits de l'homme
/ droits de l'enfant (Genève: capitale mondiale des droits de
l'homme; includes links on the 50th anniversary of the UDHR)
- Rights International
- Minority Rights
(United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) page, include
links to the documents of the Working Group on Minorities)
- Minority Issues
(Council of Europe, Directorate General of Human Rights, Secretariat of the
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and of the
- Minority Rights Group International
- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI;
links to minority
human rights information, groups, and publications, and the MINELRES-L
(Minority Electronic Resources) discussion group's Directory of Resources on Minority
Human Rights and Related Problems of the Transition Period in Eastern and
Central Europe)
- International Movement against All Forms of
Discrimination and Racism (IMADR)
- International Human
Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM)
- Committee on the Elimination
of Racial Discrimination (CERD; United Nations body)
- World Conference Against
Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance (United
Nations conference to occur in South Africa 2001; site includes links to
documents, background papers of working groups (WGs), press releases, etc.;
see related International
Human Rights Law Group (IHRLG) and Racism pages)
- Racism and Racial Discrimination
(United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR))
- European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
(ECRI; was at
- Legal Measures to
Combat Racism and Intolerance in the Member States of the Council of Europe
(3d ed., European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), Council
of Europe; report prepared by the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, 14
December 1998). CRI (98) 80. 587p.
- Fundamental Rights
(Council of the European Union)
- Truth Commissions (United
States Institute of Peace Library)
- HURIDOCS (Human Rights Information and
Documentation Systems International)
- Article 19 (
- StateWatch (or;
database of information on "the state and civil liberties in the European
Union"- includes materials on the Schengen Agreement, immigration and asylum,
prisons, policing and Europol, the European courts, etc.)
- Clearing House on Linguistic Rights
(UNESCO MOST Programme; also Religious Rights)
- The Avalon Project
(Yale Law School)(includes historic documents relevant to the fields of law,
history, economics, politics, diplomacy and government, such as Nuremberg War Crimes
Trials documents; see also University of Michigan's Historic
Documents page)
- A Look Back At Nuremberg
(Court TV Casefiles; includes background information abut the major participants
at the trial, the law behind the creation of the tribunal, transcripts, interviews,
Chief U.S. Prosecutor Robert Jackson's opening and closing speeches, etc.)
- War Crimes Resources on
the Internet (New England School of Law Library links to resources on
trials of war criminals in support of NESL War Crimes Project; includes links
to Nuremberg documents)
- The
War Crimes Trials at Nuremberg: A Digital Collection Pilot Project: The Medical
Case (Harvard Law School Library project in progress)
- The Nuremberg
Code (The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, in commemoration of
The Doctors Trial
(includes other documents from the "Medical Case"), from Trials of War
- Nürnberger Kriegsverbrecherprozesse
1945 (Übersicht) (articles and other documents on the Nuremberg
War Crimes Trials via the Oberlandesgericht Nürnberg - Beiträge
zur Rechtsgeschichte; in German and English; includes links to related
web sites and literature on the topic)
- Justiz und NS-Verbrechen:
Die deutschen Strafurteile wegen nationalsozialistischer Tötungsverbrechen
1945 - 1999: Eine Verfahrensübersicht (Hergestellt im Institut
für Strafrecht der Universität von Amsterdam von Prof. Dr. C.F.
Rüter und Dr. D.W. de Mildt; Nazi Crimes on Trial: German Trial Judgments
concerning Nazi Capital Crimes 1945 - 1999: An Overview - compiled at
the Institute of Criminal Law of the University of Amsterdam; published in
1999 by the Stiftung zur wissenschaftlichen Erforschung nationalsozialistischer
Verbrechen/ Foundation for Scientific Research of National-Socialist Crimes,
Amsterdam; in German:
This website presents a systematic survey (in German) of 1) the more than 900 Nazi trial cases conducted in West Germany since 1945 (see: Ubersicht der westdeutschen Verfahren), as well as of 2) the 97 Nazi trial cases conducted in East Germany during the years 1956 - 1990, including the so-called Rehabilitation trials (see: Ubersicht der ostdeutschen Verfahren). A survey of the remaining East German trial cases (i.e. those from the period 1945 - 1956) will be added to this site later this year.
The site contains a brief description of the subject matter of each of these trial cases by way of several searchable categories.
The index you find here is based on the collection of postwar trial judgments, which are (being) published in two separate multi-volume documentation series entitled 'Justiz und NS-Verbrechen' (the West German judgments) and 'DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen' (the East German judgments).
- Jeffrey
D. Bass, "Thomas
J. Dodd Papers Guide: Series VII, Nuremberg Trial" (Thomas J. Dodd Research
Center, University Libraries, University of Connecticut, December 1996)
- Nürnberger Menschenrechtszentrum
(human rights links)
- Nazi Gold Holocaust
Assets on the Internet (Lyonette Louis-Jacques)
- Genocide Convention
at Fifty: Web Links (United States Institute of Peace)
- Web Genocide Documentation
Center (Internet Resources on Genocide and Mass Killings compiled by
Dr. S. D. Stein, Faculty of Economics & Social Science, University of
the West of England; includes full texts of documents from the United Nations
War Crimes Commission's Law Reports of
Trials of War Criminals, Trial of the Major War Criminals Before
the International Military Tribunal, etc.; includes pages on Nuremberg,
Trials, and Laws, Documents Relating
to the Holocaust, War Crimes, and Genocide, War Crimes and
Criminals, and World War II Resources)
- Torture Reporting
Handbook (March 2000, Camille Giffard, University of Essex
Human Rights Centre; commissioned by the Human Rights Policy Department
(HRPD) of the UK Foreign
and Commonwealth Office (FCO))
- Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture
(OMCT = World Organisation Against Torture = Organización Mundial
Contra la Tortura; Geneva, Switzerland)
- European Committee for the Prevention of
Torture and nhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT; Council
of Europe)
- Association for the Prevention of Torture
(APT, Geneva, Switzerland)
- Redress: Seeking Reparation for Torture
- International Rehabilitation Council for Torture
Victims (IRCT)
- International Institute of Humanitarian Law
- Humanitarian Law Center (armed
conflicts in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina; Kosovo)
- Migration and Ethnic Relations
(ERCOMER's WWW Virtual Library)
- Multilateral Treaties
(Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy)
- Treaties Library (Department
of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), from the AustLII (Australasian Legal Information
Institute) web site; includes bilateral and multilateral treaties from the
Australian Treaty SeriesLeague of Nations treaties:
(ATS); also includes
"The texts of treaties printed in the Australian Treaty Series from 1948 to 1998 are available on the Internet. Additional treaties, never printed in the series, are now available on the Internet, having been allocated numbers in the series from the years in which they entered into force for Australia, and designated "electronic". The series has also been extended, in electronic form only, back to 1927, with earlier years in preparation. Treaties printed in the Select Documents series from 1966 to 1997 are also available on the Internet."
- Diplomacy and International Affairs Hypertext
Information System (Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, Malta)(includes
texts of treaties)
(international law-state practice: treaties, diplomacy, state immunity; University
of Viena - Institute of International
Law and International Relations)
- Swiss Diplomatic Documents
(Swiss Federal Archives database of documents on Swiss foreign policy and
international relations; the DoDiS database (Diplomatische Dokumente der
Schweiz/Documents Diplomatiques Suisses) includes entries on foreign policy
documents, persons, organizations, geographical terms, international agreements,
federal laws, and decisions of the Federal Council and of the Federal Assembly;
and a comprehensive bibliography covering resources from 1945 to present)
- Historic
Documents (University of Michigan's page linking to diplomatic documents
and other historic legal and political documents for the U.S., Western Europe,
and the Middle East; links to the Avalon Project at
Yale, Foreign
Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, treaties, World
War II documents, U.S. National Security materials related to Afghanistan,
the Berlin Crisis, the Cuban Missile Crisis, El Salvador, Intelligence, the
Iran-Contra Affair, the Iranian Revolution, Military Uses of Space, Nicaragua,
Nuclear Nonproliferation, the Philippines, and South Africa, and other Declassified Documents)
- Institute of Air and Space Law (McGill
- Antarctic Law
- ENTRI (environmental treaties
database provided by CIESIN)
- Center for International Environmental Law
- Foundation for International Environmental
Law and Development (FIELD)
- European Environmental Law Home
Page (EEL; European Union environmental treaties and national legislation)
- U.S. Foreign
and Defense Policy/Immigration (Congressional Research Service (CRS);
brief reports in full text ASCII and PDF formats; see also Congressional Research
Services WWW Accessible Reports)
- International Relations and Security Network
(ISN; Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research, Zürich, Switzerland;
includes international law links via the WWW Virtual Library: International
Security and LASE (Limited
Area Search Engine), a full-text search service on the Internet which is
specialized in international relations and security policy - it enables one
to search and directly retrieve documents from currently more than 200 relevant
sites from a single user interface)
- International
Organizations Resources on the Internet
(via Oxford Analytica)
- World Wide Web Virtual Library
for International Affairs
- The International Affairs
Network (IAN World Wide Web Virtual Library)
- The Stanley Foundation (global governance,
global education, and U.S. foreign policy; includes full texts of their conference
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Centennial of
the First International Peace Conference (UN Conference; expert meetings
to be held at The Hague 18 to 19 May 1999 and at St. Petersburg 23 to 25
June 1999; includes links to reports and other relevant documents)
- Academic Council on the
United Nations System (ACUNS)
- International Studies Association (ISA)
- Columbia International Affairs Online
(CIAO; subscription database, 1991-date; CIAO is a database of scholarly
resources for international relations and international law; it indexes and
has full texts of working papers, policy briefs, conference papers/proceedings,
journals, books, and links to related resources; there is a related, free
e-mail list for distribution of notices re CIAO - it is designed to keep
CIAO subscribers, contributors/content providers, and anyone else who's
interested with monthly updates on what's happening on CIAO, with information
on new content, new browsing features, CIAO events, and more)
- U.S. Foreign
and Defense Policy/Immigration (Congressional Research Service; brief
reports in full text ASCII and PDF formats)
- Global Policy Forum (monitor global
policy making at the United Nations: UN financial crisis, reform, Security
Council, NGOs, nations & states, social/economic policy ; New York-based)
- CRS Reports (Congressional Research
Services reports via the U.S. Department of State's Foreign Press Center)
- CRS Reports on Military and National
Securty (via the Federation of American Scientists (FAS))
- Foreign Policy In Focus
(full text of briefs/papers published by the Interhemispheric Resource Center
and the Institute for Policy Studies on current U.S. foreign policy related
to trade, the military, drug control, labor, human rights, global governance,
the environment, financial flows, etc.; also at
- The Stanley Foundation (global governance,
global education, and U.S. foreign policy; includes full texts of their conference
- Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (CCFR;
includes full text of their triennial publication, American Public Opinion
and U.S. Foreign Policy)
- Foreign Policy Association (FPA; publishers
of Great Decisions, the "annual nonpartisan briefing book on eight
critical U.S. foreign policy issues")
- Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR; also at
- Foreign Affairs Envoy
(includes tables of contents of journals such as International
Security, Foreign Policy,
Foreign Affairs
(includes searchable archives from 1995 to the present) and International
- Foreign
Affairs (on WESTLAW as FORGNAFF (full text beginning with January
1994; on LEXIS in the BUSFIN library, ABI file (abstracts or selected full
text), BANKNG library, FORAFR file (from 1981 to date), and
the NEWS library, ASAPII file (selected full text beginning in 1993); full
text online in Chadwyck-Healy's (Periodical Contents Index) PCI Full Text from v.1 (1922/23) to
v.69 (1990/91))
- Foreign
Policy (on WESTLAW as FORGNPLY (full text beginning with March
1994) and on LEXIS in the NEWS library, ASAPII file (selected
full text beginning in 1993))
- International
Organization (on WESTLAW as INOG, full text beginning with January
1995 (provided by Dow Jones) and on LEXIS in the BUSFIN library, ABI
file (abstracts or selected full text); available in full text via JSTOR (1947-1995),
(beginning in 1997), ProQuest Direct
(beginning Autumn 1993 (but only fax of full text available?), with abstracts
from 1989 to 1992), and Dow
Jones Interactive (beginning in 1995 - PDF files); Dow Jones and WESTLAW
do not seem to be as current as CatchWord/Swetsnet Navigator and ProQuest;
also via Swetsnet Navigator
(full text from v.52, 1998 to date; table of contents only from v.51, 1997))
- International
Security (on WESTLAW as INSC (full text beginning with March 1995);
not on LEXIS)
- Journal
of International Affairs (full text on Chadwyck-Healy's Periodical Contents
Index's PCI Full TextColumbia
Journal of International Affairs) database from v.1, no.1 (1947)
through v.44, no.2 (Winter 1991); also called the
- PS:
Political Science and Politics (American Political Science Association
journal; includes articles on international relations and international law;
online in full text beginning in 1995 via Dow Jones Interactive)
Law (University of Mannheim Library, Germany; includes extensive links
to resources worldwide; page in German)