In The Spotlight:
needs landscape in our communities is overwhelming, with the tool
belt recession devastating the self employed and interrelated small
businesses. As reports 22.5 million
nationwide foreclosure listings, many families have moved in
living in a state of desperation, month to
month. When we add the Senior citizens and unemployed to the
equation, we are confronted with a serious problem. Unfortunately. a large number of
these families will not reach out for
help, presenting a tremendous need for a neighbor to neighbor community
support systems.
For those who reach out, we have frontline
service programs supported by and
the National Food
Bank Network.
join the HRI:
Arts Integration Into Education Campaign to Support Local Food Banks
and Frontline Service Programs through, the National Food
Bank Network and 13,000
local providers in more than
counties and cities through the Emergency
Food and Shelter National Board Program.
2010 marked the 20th year anniversary
work in project development and humanitarian operations for Country Music
Association Artist H-II Stephen Michael Apatow. Today, the
work that began in 133 cities from Washington, DC to San Francisco (
continues through Humanitarian Resource Institute and the United
Nations Arts Initiative.
Francisco is pleased to honor and Welcome Stephen Apatow to a meeting
of the U.S. Conference of Mayors Task Force on Hunger and Homelessness,
after he has run across this nation on a mission to help focus
attention of Americans on the vast problem of hunger and homelessness
in the United States. - Proclamation: Stephen Apatow Day
in San
Francisco - 15 July 1993.
Hunger Project: Run Across America
In 133 cities, from
Washington, DC to San Francisco, California the mission was to provide
a platform for the executive
directors of frontline service programs, so they could share about
the unmet
needs in
their sphere of influence. Those unmet
needs were then communicated to youth leadership programs, churches and
community service organizations, for strategic planning and development
of initiatives to Bridge
Unmet Needs to Untapped Resources.
that mission remains his focus in every city and county area of the
United States, through Humanitarian
Resource Institute.
Organizational Support: Tour de America




