Every Home in
America through the
Action Plan for Community Service
"Our military service
members represent only one percent of
our population, but they shoulder the
responsibility of protecting our entire
Nation." -- Not Forgotten - Restore
Warriors Project: HRI:H-II OPSEC.
... Again, military
member and emergency personnel; law
enforcement and firefighters, et. al.,
and their plight with suicide do not
get the appropriate level of attention
- especially associated to PTSD, which
resonates and impacts their lives over
extended periods of time, and often
leads to severe depression. -- J.
Mikulski, MSA
It Takes a Community
January 2014 - Updated 18 January 2019
Contact: Stephen M.
Director of Research & Development
Institute (UN:NGO:DESA)
Humanitarian University
Graduate Studies
for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine &
Phone: 203-668-0282
Arts Initiative
Arts Integration Into

America's Action Plan for
Outreach the Key to Bridging Unmet Needs
to Untapped Resources
an athlete, coach of arts,
sports and Olympic development
programs, the focus was to share
specialized training, normally
available to a privileged
few, with a
broader spectrum of youth across
America. This led to
development of two
national youth leadership and
community service
projects that reached hundreds of cities
across the United States, the
first for
substance abuse in 1990, in cooperation
with the National Clearinghouse
for Drug and Alcohol Information (today
CSAP), and the second for
hunger, homelessness and poverty in
1993, in cooperation with the U.S.
House Select
Committee on Hunger and twenty national
-- a
6000 mile double continental crossing, in 60
days, through 270 cities.
-- Daily youth and community
talks, media interviews press
conferences to
open the first toll free hotline
(1-800-SAY-NO-TO-DRUGS or
1-800-729-6686) that provided access to
free print materials and
audiovisual loan programs through the
federal resource for alcohol and
drug information.
The largest touch outreach ever
coordinated through the Office for
Substance Abuse Prevention.
-- A 3000 mile run, 12-25
miles per day, from
Washington, DC to San
Francisco, California.
-- Initiatives
133 cities that included scheduled youth
and community talks, media
interviews to
spotlight unmet needs of frontline
programs across the United States.
to the
Unmet Needs
In 1994, the cross section of unmet
needs defined across the United
States, led
to the formation of the nonprofit
organization Humanitarian
Institute, with a mission focus
to "Bridge Unmet Needs to
Untapped Resources" through advocacy and
policy development. -- Unconventional
Leadership Development: From "Living
On The Edge" to being the "Cutting
How to Help: Hunger & Homelessness
in America
In 1993, the inability of the state and
local government programs to
handle the
needs of front line programs across the
United States prompted the need
for increased citizen involvement.
The Run
Across America for
Hunger, Homelessness and Poverty
focused on networking the
booklet "How to Help: Hunger &
Homelessness in America" that
included a 14 point
congressional mandate, constructed by
the U.S. House Select Committee
On Hunger, to evaluate available
and unmet needs.
The focus of the following needs
assessment is to help community
leaders who
desire to advance strategic planning and
development of solution
oriented initiatives.
1. Is there a community based food
delivery network in your area ? This
coordinated network would include food
pantries, feeding programs, soup
kitchens, congregate meal programs and
food banks.
2. Has a needs assessment been completed
in your city/county area
within the last year ? This would be
defined as a comprehensive effort
to collect information on the extent of
food insecurity problems in the
3. Does your city/county area have an
Anti-Hunger Policy Coalition ?
This program would be defined as a
central group of residents who
gather information detailing the needs
of the community to help develop
courses of action for responding to gaps
in existing services.
4. Is there a program to communicate the
availability of Federal Food
Assistance ? This program would educate
residents about the various
federal food assistance programs and
work with local officials and
private sponsors to improve the
availability of services to all
5. Is there a working program to mediate
Public/Private Partnership
? This would include working relations
between government agencies,
private groups, non-profit
organizations and businesses to work
to solve local food insecurity
6. Are there any organizations promoting
citizen involvement ? This
would include efforts to educate
residents about local food insecurity
problems and encourage their involvement
in activities to combat
7. Is there a communication network in
place to provide information
and referral services ?
8. Are there pathways existent to expand
sources of low-cost food ?
This area encompasses the development of
creative food resources such
community gardens, buying clubs, food
coops. farmers markets and
owned grocery stores.
9. Is there a program in your
city/county area to target vulnerable
population groups ? These efforts would
identify and target services to
those groups that are at high risk of
food insecurity problems, such as
homebound elderly and small
10. Are there food distribution services
for transporting food to
programs that provide emergency meals,
etc. ?
11. Does your city/county provide direct
access services: These are
sites that are easily accessible to
community residents?
12. Does your city/county provide public
transportation services ?
Residents, social service program
administrators and public transit
systems should work together to
establish public transportation routes
that provide direct community access to
public assistance services and
food outlets.
13. Does your city/county provide
nutrition education classes ? These
nutrition education programs are to help
inform residents about the
relationship between diet and health,
and help them develop nutritious
food buying and preparation
14. Is your city/county area currently
participating in gleaning
programs for collecting and channeling
to needy persons, wholesome
foodstuffs which would otherwise go to
waste ?
America's Action Plan for Community
The objective to bridge unmet needs to
untapped resources continues
today through the "America's Action Plan
for Community Service" that
includes the following objectives:
-- To empower youth and
community leaders with the tools they
need to develop initiatives that
can effectively bridge unmet needs to
untapped resources in their
-- To encourage the immediate
development of a needs coordinating
in every local community across the
United States.
-- To encourage the development of a
network that would include the executive
directors of all frontline
programs to obtain prioritized overviews
of unmet community needs.
-- To encourage the construction of a
grass roots communication network
to all churches, interfaith
organizations, youth
leadership programs, volunteer programs,
corporations, media
outlets (newspaper, radio and
television), state and
-- To
encourage the distribution of quarterly
or bi-annual needs
Resource Institute
invites all American's
to support this grass roots initiative
in cooperation with the
of the Corporation
for National and
Community Service.